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 the friends of the liberal Jewish community

Even though there is a corona lockdown, the friends of the community have been able to assist the board as well as opening a bank account with the Sparkasse KölnBonn. Unfortunately, several members’ meetings were needed to conquer the unexpected difficulties which were heightened through corona.

Now the friends of the synagogue are looking for new friends to support them in helping to protect the life of the small community in Cologne. This is particularly important as Cologne is celebrating 1700 years of Jews living in Cologne – this is shown in a document by Empire Konstantin from 321.

The friends’ association would like to help to make liberal Jewish life in Cologne visible through their own events as well as supporting the events of the community.


We invite friends of the community to become members. This includes the non-Jewish partners of members. Membership costs (at least) 50€ a year.

If you wish to be a member, please contact us at:

or contact a member of the board or send a fax to 02472 5197. The board will then send a membership form as well as the rules and regulations of membership. A pamphlet is being made at the moment.


The board of the friends of the synagogue association:

Chaverim -Freundeskreis zur Unterstützung des liberalen Judentums in Köln e.V.:


Heinz-Peter Katlewski - acting chairman
Arnd Frohnhöfer - Treasurer
Klaus Herkenrath - Assessor


Jeder Euro hilft uns, die Gemeinde am Leben zuhalten


JLGK Gescher LaMassoret
Sparda Bank Köln
IBAN: DE86 3706 0590 0000 4358 94

Oder direkt PayPal





Telefon: 0221 2870424 (AB)