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Conversion / Giur



Someone is Jewish if their mother is Jewish. Whoever is not born Jewish, can become Jewish. However, the way to Judaism is not easy. Jews do not try to convince others to become Jewish.

Whoever would like to try, has to prove their motivation to our rabbi (or to the rabbi who is responsible for the area in which they live). After this, they take part in our giur classes and learn about the Jewish holidays, traditions and the basic principles of Jewish thought. What is important, is that they become active in our community. When they are ready, they have to go to a Jewish court; Beit Din. There they need to present everything they have learnt and in particular why they wish to become Jewish.

They complete their journey to Judaism after they have been to the Mikwah, the Jewish ritual pool, and submerged from head to foot. This is the start of a new chapter in their lives.

If you have further questions, please contact us.


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